TV Show Power Hour

On July 3, 2012 by Kim

This is what the downstairs room looked like in our house when we had set up a projector and surround sound. Like badasses

This last Saturday was the big day. Emily and I finally premiered our Television Show Power Hour.

The idea originated back in November when we were visiting Hanna at grad school in Eugene. All of us are fans of power hour, which, if you don’t know (seriously, who doesn’t know this?), is 1 shot of beer per minute for 60 minutes. This might seem like a lot of beer for girls, but luckily, some people skip various minutes here and there when their stomachs feel too full. If you were actually to do the whole thing filling your 1.5 ounce shot glass up all the way, you’d be drinking seven and a half beers. Most people probably only fill the shot glass up an ounce so as not to spill, so that’s about five beers. Or in my case, hard cider.

Seriously though, if you needed that explanation, you and I have probably never hung out. And that’s just sad because I’m awesome.

Being our epic first (and at this point, only) visit to Eugene, we just had to do a power hour.

Hanna’s awesomely cool roommate who likes Veronica Mars, Battlestar Galactica, and Harry Potter loved Emily’s idea of score power hour. That’s where Emily took the time to find 60 different movie scores and queued up the perfect minute for the power hour. Every time the score changes, you know to drink. Also, it’s a super fun game to try to guess which movie each score is from.

After talking about this, the awesomely cool roommate mentioned that she’d heard of Movie Power Hour where there are 60 different movie clips. We instantly set out to find it online. Once we found it and started playing, we decided to turn it into a game like the score power hour and black out (hehe) the computer screen when the clip started and try to guess the movie. If someone had what we thought was an accurate guess, I’d turn back on the screen so that we could all see. We gave out points. We got super competitive. And we got drunk. What’s new?

We couldn’t help but notice that we could have done it much, much better. I mean, Emily and I are awesome and make awesome music videos like this South of Nowhere one or this Veronica Mars one. Everyone who’s anyone agreed ours would be infinitely better.

As we were discussing which movies we would use, Emily pointed out that her and I are much better with television. We both love it immensely and our knowledge base is much broader. Thus the idea was formed.

We spent the entire six hour car ride back to Seattle talking about which shows and which clips to use (much to Janine’s detriment, as she was stuck in the car with us). We obviously ended up rattling off more than 60 TV shows. We tried to think of the most memorable moment from each one. If we couldn’t think of a memorable moment or didn’t like the show that much, we cut it (example: Gossip Girl).

Here are some examples of perfect clips:

Lost. Season 1, Episode 5. “White Rabbit” – Jack gives his famous speech where he points out that no one has come to rescue them yet so “if we can’t live together, we’re going to die alone.”

Game of Thrones. Season 1. Episode 7 – Lord Stark threatens to come forward with Cersei Lannister’s secret and she tells him “When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There’s no middle ground.”


So it only took 8 months but it’s finished and it went swimmingly. I don’t want to brag, but it’s fucking awesome. I will post it to Vimeo after I fix a few problems (Hey, I’m weirdly a perfectionist. Get over it). Then you too can experience mine and Emily’s super cool labor of love.


I never got around to fixing it. Go figure. And now, we’re planning to add another 40 clips to it so I’ll just be fixing it then. But for now, wouldn’t you like to see it? I figured you would. It won’t go on any website (YouTube and Vimeo blocked it for copyright violations), so here it is for you to download yourself on dropbox!

tv show power hour

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