New Years Eve
No, I didn’t go see a really terrible romantic comedy about Americans unsuccessfully trying to replicate the Love Actually formula. My love of terrible movies has tapered since my movie mate moved to Portland. Instead, this is a story of my New Years Eve 2011.
Many people asked what I did this New Years, probably expecting a story of epic proportions. Instead, I thought back on my evening and could only come up with a one word answer: danced. And I danced hard.
After any good party, you’ll inevitably receive a text message from someone the next day about some notable moment you were a part of. Sometimes it’ll be along the lines of “Oh god, no more shots at 3am” or “Remember that weirdo you made out with?” My post-New Years text from a friend read: “Remember when we started a dance party last night? I do! And it was awesome!”
I once went away for New Years. I had a great time in New York (I love you and miss you Tom), but I learned that I preferred spending the holiday at home. I don’t need a New Years adventure or some romantic kiss at midnight – I just prefer to spend the holiday with the people I spend most of the rest of my 365.25 days with. Midnight strikes, some people are making out but I can be seen jumping up and down and running to hug everyone in sight who isn’t preoccupied in a slobbery embrace. These are the people I love and we’re all going to take on 2012 together.
And not all these people danced around with me. I didn’t get to hug everyone. There are important people in my life not with me that night. But overall, I had a wonderful, uneventful evening full of love. I can easily count myself among the lucky ones as 2012 rings in.
Many people, including myself, use New Years as a sign to put away the past and look for a better future. 2011 is done, and with it, it’s triumphs and struggles. Although things aren’t as simple as that, New Year represents a new page. It’s fresh and clean and you have the opportunity to write what you please. New Years is a time to dream of a better year to come.
The year might be terrible. The world might end. But it doesn’t matter today. Today is a day to dream. Anything can happen and we’re dreaming of greatness. It’s that hope that makes New Years so magical.
So, wherever you were for New Years Eve, I hope you spent it with the ones you love and I hope you dreamed of all the possibilities of a new year. Oh, and I hope you danced.
This is how my dancing started